Tuesday, October 31, 2006

pumpkin seeds

Easy: *****
Tasty: **********

The best pumpkin seeds ever!

Pumpkin Seeds

Rinse the seeds, making sure to clean off the pulp.

Soak the seeds for 48 hours in heavily salted water. I usually do this in a ziploc bag or a plastic container. Shake them around a few times a day.

Heat oven to 250°. Cover a cookie sheet in crinkled aluminum foil and put the seeds on it in a single layer. Bake until brown and completely dried, turning every 15 minutes. It usually takes at least 1 hour.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The seeds are spread in grand aray
upon the krinkled sheet.
The oven wafts of scents unknown,
need someone wash their feet?
I think that maybe, just this once
I should have thrown away
Those forgotten seeds inside the fridge
I hap'ed upon today
Its Linda that must take the blame
with her endless games of food
I read, I did, I tried my best
To tell her STOP'ed be rude
Chicken Cajan, baked or fried
All of em, every one I've tried,
But this is it, I'm done,I'm though
These dang old seeds smell like a shoe,
And so I keep my nose shut tight
And hope it airs out overnight!